Bequests & Named residencies
Bequests to Blue Mountain Center
A bequest is a provision or codicil in your will setting aside a portion of your estate to BMC, assuring that future generations of writers, artists and activists will have time and space to rest, reflect, and create new work here in the Adirondacks.
There are several types of bequests that you may arrange:
A specific dollar amount or specified assets such as securities, real estate, royalties, or personal property.
A residuary bequest, in which BMC receives all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all other obligations are met.
A contingent bequest, in which BMC becomes the beneficiary only if other named beneficiaries are unable to accept the bequest.
Bequests are fully deductible from your taxable estate and can represent significant tax savings.
Here is sample language you may wish to use:
“I give, devise, and bequeath ____ (describe dollar amount, property to be transferred, or percentage of your residuary estate) to Blue Mountain Center, a not-for-profit corporation located at 257 Eagle Nest Road, Blue Mountain Lake, NY 12812-0109.
If you do leave a bequest to BMC, we hope you’ll consider letting us know so we can make sure your generous gift is used in the way it's intended. We recommend that you have your will and any added codicils prepared by an attorney.
If you have questions or would like to discuss a legacy gift to BMC, please contact Director Ben Strader at 518-352-7391 or
Named Residencies
Named Residencies at BMC may be established for a donor or in honor of someone whose life’s work matches BMC’s core values. They may also be designated to support a specific discipline or issue, creating a wonderful legacy of support for the intersection of art and social justice at BMC.
Each year, BMC hosts as many as 40 writers, artists, and activists for our month-long Residency Program. It costs the Center approximately $5,000 to support each resident for that month. Endowed residencies offset 100% of this cost for their awarded resident annually. In turn, BMC is able to further support its space, programming, and residents. The chosen applicant, whose work aligns with the values of the Named Residency, is publicly recognized as the recipient. A collection of photos and biographies of awarded residents is displayed at Blue Mountain Center and on the BMC website. In order to endow a Named Residency, $100,000 needs to be raised. Gifts to endow residency, with donor approval, will be recognized in BMC’s annual report and on our website.
Blue Mountain Center currently has two Named Residencies – the Boren Chertkov Residency for Labor and Justice, and the Harriet Barlow Residency. These Named Residencies were created to honor the life work and vision of their namesakes, and were endowed by generous donors. Both of these Named Residencies are described here. A fundraising campaign for BMC’s third names residency is currently underway. You can read more about and donate to the Jane McAlevey Residency here.