Blue Mountain Center

Supporting writers, artists and activists in Blue Mountain Lake, New York

Residency Application FAQs

Q: When will I be notified if I am accepted?
A: Notifications for the 2025 season will be sent out by April 2, 2025.

Q: Do you accept international applicants?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you accept current graduate students?
A: Yes.

Q: Do you accept current undergraduate students?
A: It is typically very difficult for undergraduates to be accepted into the residency. We encourage interested undergraduates to wait until after graduating from their undergraduate program before applying to Blue Mountain Center.

Q: Do you ask for references?
A: No.

Q: Can residents come for part of the month-long residency (ex: 1-2 weeks)?
A: No. We ask that all accepted residents commit to the month-long duration.

Q: How much does a residency cost?
A: Once accepted, there is no cost for a BMC residency. In addition to offering our programming free of charge to all accepted participants, BMC is committed to extending support to those for whom financial need and/or structural and institutional barriers threaten their ability to attend. BMC has funding available for additional financial support. Past recipients have received about $400-600. We will share further information about how to apply to all interested applicants upon acceptance.

Q: What do you mean by “established” artists?
A: We do not offer classes, workshops or tutorials. The purpose of BMC’s program is to provide space for motivated and organized individuals who are looking for a quiet space free from the typical distractions of life to concentrate on their work.

Q: What do the workspaces look like?
A: This may vary depending on the category accepted residents fall under. Please refer to the “Lodgings and Workspaces” section of Life at BMC for details.

Q: Are applications open to non-US citizens?
A: Yes. Citizenship status does not impact eligibility to apply for our residency program.

Q: My work fits into more than just one category. How should I proceed?
A: We ask you to designate a category/genre on your application that best fits the work you intend to do while at BMC. Your designated preliminary reading should be in that same category. Please reach out if you have further inquiries.

Q: Should I send new or previously published work?
A: We suggest that applicants send work they feel is their strongest, irrespective of whether it has been published.

Q: I’m a poet. Do I need to double-space my poems?
A: Poets should feel free to submit their poems as they would like them to be read.

Q: Does the Work Plan have to be anonymous?
A: No.  Only the writing sample has to be anonymous.

Q: I’m a playwright. Can I send my entire play?
A: Playwrights are welcome to submit a 30-page writing sample.

Q: Do you have a simpler way for me to determine if my images are the right size?
A: A rule of thumb is to make sure each picture is less than 5 MB. Or if you prefer to have an exact size — a simple size format is for each JPEG to be 800 x 600 pixels at 72 pixels/inch. We'll let you know if your pictures are incorrectly sized.

Q: What is your return policy for alums?
A: Applicants are allowed to come to BMC two out of every four years (you can come two years in a row, but then must skip two years). Preference is given to first-time applicants.

Q: How should filmmakers present their samples?
A: Filmmakers should send us a Vimeo link to their work. Applicants should designate a 10-minute section for preliminary viewing.

Q: Can visual artists submit videos documenting time/motion-based artwork?
A: Yes, we welcome video documentation. Visual artists can send both JPEGs and a 10-minute Vimeo link to motion-based artwork.

Q: Can I bring my partner and/or children?
A: Our residency program does not include hosting accepted residents’ partners or children for their stay.

Q: Can I bring my pet?
A: We do not allow pets to accompany residents for their stay.

Photo credits: Trevor Nathan (Home), Karin Hayes (Community, Support Us, & Contact), & Jan Mammey (Apply).

Photo credits: Trevor Nathan (Home), Karin Hayes (Community, Support Us, & Contact), & Jan Mammey (Apply).